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Civil Works
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60 Years Building The Future

Construcciones Rico, SA has more than sixty years of continuous experience dedicated to diverse sectors of the construction industry including civil works, new build projects (residential and public sector) as well as rehabilitation and reform projects.


Our quality and environmental management systems conform to the relevant ISO standards and we are also certificated in accordance with the AENOR standard (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification). For further information see AENOR registration number ER-628/2003 and CGM – 03/143.

The Integrated System of Health and Safety Management certified by AENOR according to the current norms of the OHSAS (Occupational health and Safety Advisory Services) 18001:2007 standard.

The Integrated Management System of AENOR, according to the UNE-EN 166002:2006 standard.


The XXVII Prize relating to Urbanisation, Architecture and Public Works (2002). The Diploma de Europa Nostra in relation to the cultural and tourist pedestrian zone (Eje Peatonal Turístico y Cultural), located in the area of the Paseo del Prado and the Plaza de Oriente de la Calle Huertas, 1st Phase (EMVS).